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Time For a Check-up? Wellness Goes Beyond Biometrics

It seems we are in the seasonal flux for year-end appointments: dental exams, eye appointments, and annual physicals - all periodic biometrics reviews to help ensure I am spending my budget of time and activities in a balanced manner to make the most of my personal path of longevity and wellness. Business wise, we have these reviews too, but does yours include all aspects of today's version of longevity and wellness – The Informational Assets? The purpose of this wellness visit is to help your informational assets have a healthier life so that you are applying budgets in order to ensure your data thrives. This type of preventive care focuses on making sure that your strategy is still in good health, while detecting any data-related problems before they become an issue.


Knowing is an Option

Technology reviews, usually performed by a Systems provider, include Infrastructure, hardware, and throughput assessments, but don’t include the “physical” data touch at the business case across functional areas. With inflation, recession, and regulations, the best path to data-longevity includes doing more with what you have as a course of action. The purpose of the OBV wellness visit is to paint a picture of your current state data-health footprint while also creating a baseline for future care. This functional review is a way to expose areas of opportunity for potential risk and ways to decrease risk potential, while maximizing efficiency and usefulness of your dynamic data ecosystem.


Action is Reaching Out

What in included OBV wellness exam:

Participants receive a personalized report. The report assesses data risks and technical and organizational behaviors, together with recommended actions for health improvement.

Categories include items such as:

  • Analyze Storage Consumption across several usage parameters.

  • (Evaluate data pipeline ingestion and curation activities.

  • Compare business domains for data set usage.

  • Review cost of data storage.

  • Assess third party contracts for data sourcing.

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